Field trial of the members of CETA BIO D’OC in France
The members of CETA BIO D’OC judged 4 horizontal trimmers for organic crops in a high-performance field test based on various criteria.
There are not many companies that produce these machines on the market and only 4 can be compared as professional machines.
The field test was carried out at Alain PUJOS in LAVARDENS (32) who provided CETA with a field to conduct the comparison.
The MENEGUZZO trimming machine was presented to the test by our French dealer MICHELETTI; specifically, the model with a span of 830 cm and 15 mowing elements was put forward.

Final results
The jury of the 12 members of the CETA BIO D’OC assigned a score from 0 to 10 to each trimming machine to evaluate 11 general criteria, from usage to manufacturing quality and in consideration of operating and purchase costs.
The results published in the article are evident.
Since that day, the MENEGUZZO trimming machine park has improved considerably, because we are not just satisfied with a single result, but we want our customers to be able to rely on machines that perform well in all conditions and to be happy to use them.
We then integrated a self-levelling system to improve stability when traveling across the horizontal field and on inclined slopes. We have created a modular machine that can adapt over time with the changing needs of the farmer. We make every possible effort to contain costs to low levels while implementing strict controls on the quality of materials and craftsmanship for a guaranteed Made in Italy product.